
Ryan Stone (瑞安·斯通):我为未能遵从指令道歉。我应该在你指示我停止工作时立刻停下来。

Ryan: I apologize for not complying. I should've stopped working as soon as you instructed me to.

Matt Kowalski (马特·科瓦尔斯基):到明天这个时候,你就会回到地球了。

Matt: And by this time tomorrow, you're gonna be back on Earth.

Ryan Stone (瑞安·斯通):探索号被击中了,探索号,你能听到吗?

Ryan: Explorer is hit, Explorer, do you copy?

Matt Kowalski (马特·科瓦尔斯基):如果你不脱离,手臂装置会把你带走。

Matt: If you don't detach, the arm is going to carry you away.

Ryan Stone (瑞安·斯通):仔细听清楚我说的话,你必须集中精神。

Ryan: Listen carefully to what I'm saying, you must focus.

Ryan Stone (瑞安·斯通):我看不见你了,几秒钟后,我会找不到你。

Ryan: I can't see you, in a few seconds, I'll lose you.

Ryan Stone (瑞安·斯通):是的,是的,我能听到你,休斯顿。

Ryan: Yes, yes, I can hear you, Houston.
